Strategic Action Priorities
Increase Task Force Expertise in Opioid and other Substance Use Disorders
Convene Monthly Meetings
Identify and invite guest speakers to Family Task Force meetings to increase knowledge and expertise of members and to discuss policy and practice recommendations
Members will have the opportunity to be trained as the Family Task Force Naloxone Trainers. Trainers will deliver statewide naloxone training training and promote the dissemination of naloxone.
Members will have the opportunity to work towards achieving their Family Peer Recovery Specialist Certification
Staff and members will share relevant articles and research with one another
Members will develop and build on their stories and personal experiences to create a Speakers Bureau
Provide information, assist and support to families affected by opioid and substance use disorders
Inventory existing materials on generic medication safety for families and children​
Educate families on the proper storage, use and disposal of prescription opioids
Contribute to the development and distribution of the Crisis Toolkit.
Learn about and promote existing family support and recovery services and groups.
Address substance use disorders stigma though public and professional education
Support development of a statewide curriculum on opioid and substance use disorders